Large -- Medium Jason Barnes, Ralph Lorenz, and Andy Rivkin milling before striking out from Mountain View, CA. (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium Jen Grier and Jani Radebaugh, on the road. (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium Mt. Lassen from a distance. (Ralph) | |
movie of some sweet bubbling mud north of Bumpass
Hell in Lassen Volcanic National Park. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Self-shot of me and the bubbling mud. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Doctors Rivkin and Grier. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Jason. (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium More steaming mud up the creek aways. (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium Crazy colorations. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium More crazy colorations. (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium Jani and Brian. (Jani.?) | |
movie of the steaming mudpits. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Ralph takes some volcanic bubbling mud for the team. (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium Mudpit zoom. (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium Mudflow out of the pit! (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium Crazy how they built the road right through this active area. (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium Some sweet volcanics out the window. (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium (Jani) | |
Large -- Medium Sharp transition between some volcanically deposited layers. (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium On the road. | |
Large -- Medium The crew -- well, part of it anyway. L to R: Ralph, Jani, Jen, Andy, Jason, and Brian. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Mt. Lassen and lake. (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium Jen, Andy, and Jani checking out the silicic pumice from Mt. Lassen. (Ralph) | |
Large -- Medium From the side of Fantastic lava beds' cone. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Ralph: Chillin'. (Jason) | |
Large -- Medium Jani Radebaugh: Tree huggin' hippie. (Ralph) |