Colloquia and LPL Superiority over Steward paper
April 1,

Ahhh, another year, another humiliation for the Astronomy Department. This
year we posted a paper
insulting to Astronomy Department graduate students to the astrophysics
preprint server, arXiv. Every night at 10PM
the abstracts for all the papers submitted to the preprint server that day get
emailed to many astronomers around the world. Here are some of the responses
we've gotten to the paper:
Barb Cohen
Christian Schaller
Ralph Lorenz
Siobahn Morgan
John Keller
Rory Barnes
Simon DeDeo
The Astronomy department responded with a paper of their own. Leave
it to Steward grads to come up with an unoriginal April fools day prank and then
to do it on April 2nd. Some comments:
Tim Huege
hearsay from Eric Mamajek
Christian Schaller
This year's April Fools pranks had other components as well, with some interesting upcoming colloquia, a sign draped from
the Steward Observatory dome, and the resignation of the
Head and Director.