dscn0629.jpg(660696 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:28 17:17:56,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=14.4mm,  exptime=0.010 s  (1/103),  f/3.9 Large -- Medium

Before leaving. Schamali the dog.
dscn0630.jpg(697877 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:28 17:18:01,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=14.4mm,  exptime=0.011 s  (1/90),  f/3.5 Large -- Medium

Genubi the dog.
dscn0631.jpg(653782 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:28 19:04:39,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

L to R, Xander, Wayne, and Jason barnes at the restaurant Nonie.
dscn0633.jpg(702249 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:28 20:37:46,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

My cactus in the back yard only blooms at night, this night it was going crazy with like 20 blossoms.
dscn0635.jpg(671731 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:29 12:59:00,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 9.9mm,  exptime=0.002 s  (1/493),  f/7.4 Large -- Medium

Alexander and I painting the roof white.
dscn0636.jpg(700172 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:30 18:21:04,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.002 s  (1/504),  f/7.0 Large -- Medium

Xander near sunset in the painted desert.
dscn0638.jpg(676791 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:30 18:21:48,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.003 s  (1/303),  f/5.5 Large -- Medium

Jason in the painted desert.
dscn0639.jpg(712833 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 15:50:37,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.003 s  (1/320),  f/7.0 Large -- Medium

Skip ahead 600 miles. Jason in front of the Rio Grande gorge.
dscn0641.jpg(675168 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 15:51:12,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.003 s  (1/354),  f/7.0 Large -- Medium

Same spot as previous, in a different direction.
dscn0642.jpg(687425 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 15:52:10,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=13.8mm,  exptime=0.005 s  (1/196),  f/6.0 Large -- Medium

Xander and his car, the instrument of vehiculage.
dscn0643.jpg(659265 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 17:25:54,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=23.4mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/131),  f/6.3 Large -- Medium

Buffalo in Northern New Mexico.
dscn0645.jpg(676416 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 17:26:24,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.013 s  (1/77),  f/3.5 Large -- Medium

Me driving. I apparently need to shave.
dscn0647.jpg(668046 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 19:05:10,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Alexander in front of an outcrop of the Cretacious-Tertiary (K-T) boundary layer south of Trinidad, Colorado.
dscn0648.jpg(686110 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 19:06:36,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=23.4mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

Alexander's finger for scale in front of the layer -- the layer contains remains of the asteroid (comet?) that killed the dinosaurs 65,000,000 years ago.
dscn0656.jpg(565034 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:05:31 21:00:59,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=1.000 s ,  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Me and Xander in front of the sign for Barnes Ave in La Junta, Co.
dscn0657.jpg(727092 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:06:02 18:34:40,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

The Barnes family at the restaurant "Crazy Fish".
dscn0658.jpg(715858 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2002:06:02 18:35:31,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium
