Large -- Medium Ralph Lorenz talks about hydroelectric power on top of Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. Standing to the left of Ralph: L to R: Laszlo Kesztheyi, Jay Melosh, Matt Chamberlain, Joe Plassman, David O'Brien, and Windy Jaeger. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Me in front of the fish ladder under Bonneville Dam. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Laszlo Kesztheyi in front of pillow lavas with palagonite, leading up to colonnade. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Laszlo talks about pillow basalt. (pencil drawing: Adam Showman) |
Large -- Medium One of Laszlo's favorite outcrops, pillow lavas at the bottom, colonnade above that, and entablature at the top. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Grad students beneath pillow lava and columnar jointing. (pencil drawing: Adam Showman) |
Large -- Medium Joe Plassman demonstrates his new antigravity techniques on the Stonehenge replica. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium The Crew behind Stonehenge II, looking back Westward down the Columbia River Gorge, with Mount Hood in the background. L to R: Vic Baker, Laszlo Kesztheyi, (Matt Tiscareno?), Adam Showman, Jonathan Fortney, Mike Bland, Curtis Cooper eclipsing Joe Plassman, Windy Jaeger, Brandon Preblich, Ross Beyer, Jay Melosh, John Weirigh, Oleg Abramov, Devon Burr, Hirdy Miyamoto, Peter Lanagan, Ralph Lorenz, and David O'Brien. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Laszlo at the double-roadcut. L to R: Ralph Lorenz, Curtis Cooper, Oleg Abramov, Matt Tiscareno (front), Jonathan Fortney, Windy Jaeger, Adina Alpert, Devon Burr, Jim Richardson, Mike Bland, Zibi Turtle, and Laszlo Kesztheyi. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Laszlo in front of pahoehoe lobe flows among the Columbia River Basalts. L to R: Adina Alpert, Peter Lanagan, Windy Jaeger, Laszlo Kesztheyi, and Adam Showman. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium A train goes through the railroad cut. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium The Crew views the railroad cut. L to R: Jani Radebaugh, Abby Sheffer (nee Wasserman), Rachel Mastrapa, Mike Bland, Vic Baker, Sally House, Oleg Abramov, Joe Plassman, Zibi Turtle, Windy Jaeger, Laszlo Kesztheyi, Adina Alpert, Matt Chamberlain, Hirdy Miyamoto, Curtis Cooper, Devon Burr, (unknown), Alfred McEwen, and Adam Showman. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium The roadcut. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium The Gorge toward the East, with Gwen Bart and Ralph Lorenz. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Joe Plassman measures the height of the cliffs using d=1/2gt2. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Closeup views of basalts in the gorge. L to R: Matt Chamberlain, Alfred McEwen, Jay Melosh, Laszlo Kesztheyi, (unknowns), Matt Pasek, Gwen Bart, Mandy PRoctor, Windy Jaeger, Adam Showman, Dave O'Brien, Brandon Preblich, Curtis Cooper, Zibi Turtle, and Hirdy Miyamoto. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Hirdy Miyamoto in front of Wallula Gap at sunset -- water flow through the gap is a critical parameter in hydroflow models. (photo: Jason Barnes) |
Large -- Medium Wallula Gap. (pencil drawing: Adam Showman) |
Large -- Medium L to R: Jonathan Fortney, Adam Showman, Alfred McEwen, Curtis Cooper, Zibi Turtle, half of John Weirich, Oleg Abramov, Matt Pasek, Jay Melosh, Mike Bland, and Devon Burr listen to Hirdy Miyamoto talk about Wallula Gap. (photo: Jason Barnes) |