K/T Boundary Layer Field trip to Raton, New MExico -- day 2
Joe's talk on resurgent domes. This is at Valles caldera, a volcanic collapse feature in Northern New Mexico. The mountain in the background is Redondo Peak, a resurgent dome. Dave Kring, the firld trip leader, is showing is a geologic map of the area.
Watching talks from our campsite at the beginning of day 2.
The La Cueva ashflow deposit.
The crew at La Cueva.
Rhyolitic (Silica rich) ashflow and ashfall deposits interbedded. The obsidian rich Banco Benito flow caps the formation.
Jani Radebaugh climbs very carefully on the pumice.
Physicists looking at rocks. L to R, Andreas Eckholm, Terry Hurford, Adina Alpert, Joe Spitale, Peter Lanagan, Fred Ciesla.
More of the same . . . Cool picture of the interbedding though.
Pete Lanagan poses fo the camera.
Cool refractive rainbow around the sun. I was really happy that this shot came out, go DC120 :)
Ingrid's battleship rock talk.
Crazy Pete's Claw of Death.
Smoke from the terrible wildfire burning away Los Alamos.
Day 2 sunset.
On to Day 2