More Doggy Pictures
DSCN0482.JPG(706221 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:01 13:47:50,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=10.2mm,  exptime=0.020 s  (1/51),  f/2.7 Large -- Medium

Barnes Bioguard security -- on the prowl.
DSCN0483.JPG(679297 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:01 13:47:54,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=10.2mm,  exptime=0.016 s  (1/64),  f/3.0 Large -- Medium

DSCN0484.JPG(680122 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:02 13:45:48,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=23.2mm,  exptime=0.013 s  (1/75),  f/4.4 Large -- Medium

A bedraggled Schamali puppy after dogwashing.
DSCN0485.JPG(704208 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:05 22:23:57,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

DSCN0487.JPG(693832 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:05 22:24:16,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Gwen with Schamali.
DSCN0488.JPG(728688 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:12 23:49:03,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.7mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

DSCN0492.JPG(676966 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:30 16:00:04,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=16.5mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/3.3 Large -- Medium

DSCN0496.JPG(646565 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:30 16:01:02,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=13.7mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/3.0 Large -- Medium

DSCN0498.JPG(702983 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:09:30 16:01:16,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Puppy in her favorite spot on the back of the couch. The Enforcer waits in the lower right.
DSCN0500.JPG(701682 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:06 17:22:09,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=17.2mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/3.4 Large -- Medium

DSCN0501.JPG(707812 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:06 17:22:18,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=15.7mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/3.2 Large -- Medium

DSCN0502.JPG(750475 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:06 17:22:43,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=14.4mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/3.1 Large -- Medium

DSCN0503.JPG(742587 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:14 11:26:45,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=17.7mm,  exptime=0.004 s  (1/233),  f/6.8 Large -- Medium

DSCN0504.JPG(700415 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:14 11:26:54,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=21.0mm,  exptime=0.006 s  (1/158),  f/7.4 Large -- Medium

DSCN0505.JPG(718343 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:14 11:27:33,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=20.0mm,  exptime=0.006 s  (1/171),  f/6.4 Large -- Medium

DSCN0506.JPG(684789 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:10:15 21:50:09,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=20.0mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/3.7 Large -- Medium

Always wash your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, especially if there's peanut butter on stuff!
IM000042.JPG(582029 bytes) -- Hewlett-Packard-HP PhotoSmart 618 (V1.10),  2001:07:13 23:45:17,  [1600 x 1200],  fl=Y,  f= 8.6mm,  exptime=0.011 s  (1/90),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

Genubi destroys his brand new doggy bed.
IM000044.JPG(498925 bytes) -- Hewlett-Packard-HP PhotoSmart 618 (V1.10),  2001:07:14 01:00:57,  [1200 x 1600],  fl=Y,  f= 5.2mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/2.4 Large -- Medium

Then, after the destruction, decides its not so bad for sleeping on after all.