
Schamali is my new puppy. She is a Siberian Husky and is named after the star Zubeneschamali.

DSC00267.JPG(156534 bytes) -- SONY-CYBERSHOT,  2001:08:07 17:46:42,  [640 x 480],  fl=N,  f=18.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/125),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

Schamali at 7 weeks old with one of her siblings. Her puppy name was "Patch".
Patch.JPG(826738 bytes) -- SONY-CYBERSHOT,  2001:08:04 20:24:28,  [1600 x 1200],  fl=Y,  f= 7.0mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/2.0 Large -- Medium

Schamali/Patch with her human mom, Kristy.
Patch2.JPG(134068 bytes) -- SONY-CYBERSHOT,  2001:08:04 20:26:00,  [640 x 480],  fl=Y,  f= 7.0mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/2.0 Large -- Medium

Schamali with more brothers and sisters.
TKara-Mom.JPG(127063 bytes) -- SONY-CYBERSHOT,  2001:08:11 17:00:24,  [640 x 480],  fl=Y,  f=13.9mm,  exptime=0.013 s  (1/80),  f/2.3 Large -- Medium

Schamali's Mom, T'Kara.
Nanook-Dad.JPG(43677 bytes) -- SONY-CYBERSHOT,  2001:08:16 21:36:42,  [640 x 480],  fl=Y,  f= 8.1mm,  exptime=0.025 s  (1/40),  f/2.0 Large -- Medium

Schamali's Dad, Nanook, is an albino Husky.
DSCN0449.JPG(765915 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 10:14:10,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=14.7mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/3.1 Large -- Medium

The first place Schamali and I went was to the Young's house -- family friends who live only a few miles from the breeders, Cody and Kristy Anderson.
DSCN0450.JPG(625427 bytes) -- [1536 x 2048],  Large -- Medium

I was unable to convince Linda to buy one of her own. I think :)
DSCN0452.JPG(774489 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 10:15:36,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Me with the new puppy at the Youngs' house.
DSCN0453.JPG(760432 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 10:15:58,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

A good shot of me and Schamali taken by Mrs. Young.
DSCN0455.JPG(727317 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 10:16:33,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Puppy breath!
DSCN0457.JPG(750740 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 10:16:41,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Tag -- looks like I'm it.
DSCN0462.JPG(738379 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 19:41:53,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

The first Barnes Family portrait, Zubeneschamali Barnes on the left, me (Jason Barnes) in the middle, and Zubenelgenubi Barnes on the right.
DSCN0466.JPG(752674 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 19:44:05,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 8.2mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.5 Large -- Medium

Schamali's new friend, Genubi.
DSCN0467.JPG(756064 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 19:44:26,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=16.5mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/3.3 Large -- Medium

Finally, some rest.
DSCN0468.JPG(714854 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 19:53:06,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f=23.4mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

It was an awfully long day for an 8-week old being.
DSCN0470.JPG(732310 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 19:53:48,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f=11.6mm,  exptime=0.139 s  (1/7),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

A redundant sleeping shot.
DSCN0472.JPG(735035 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 20:17:51,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 9.3mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.6 Large -- Medium

Another family photo.
DSCN0475.JPG(742318 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 20:18:53,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=Y,  f= 9.3mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/120),  f/2.6 Large -- Medium

DSCN0476.JPG(636157 bytes) -- [1536 x 2048],  Large -- Medium

The junior members of the Arizona Barnes clan.
DSCN0478.JPG(686708 bytes) -- NIKON-E990,  2001:08:18 20:27:31,  [2048 x 1536],  fl=N,  f= 9.3mm,  exptime=0.227 s  (1/4),  f/2.6 Large -- Medium

Gwen takes care of Genubi while I'm gone, here she is with the new and old dogs. Its a long exposure, and so Genubi, who can't keep still, is blurred out.