Thanksgiving at Xander's house
Walla Walla, WA

IMG00136.jpg(205800 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:06:19,  [756 x 1134],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.022 s  (1/45),  f/3.5 Large -- Medium

Unfortunately, due to a focus malfunction (i.e., I screwed up), the pictures before the Turkey picture are all out of focus. I didn't include most of them.
IMG00138.jpg(290864 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:06:25,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.011 s  (1/90),  f/4.5 Large -- Medium

IMG00140.jpg(282932 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:06:42,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/125),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

Xander, Terra, and Dad go on a run.
IMG00141.jpg(293066 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:06:45,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/125),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

IMG00142.jpg(363563 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:06:49,  [756 x 1134],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/125),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

IMG00143.jpg(303491 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:06:51,  [756 x 1134],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/125),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

IMG00146.jpg(245444 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:12:17,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.100 s  (1/10),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00156.jpg(867025 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:22:49,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.067 s  (1/15),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00162.jpg(989340 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 17:35:30,  [1512 x 2268],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.050 s  (1/20),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00163.jpg(1082201 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:28:06,  [1512 x 2268],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.050 s  (1/20),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00181.jpg(199477 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:35:50,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.167 s  (1/6),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00186.jpg(198436 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:37:11,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=70.0mm,  exptime=0.250 s  (1/4),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

Terra and her bird, Ting.
IMG00188.jpg(282804 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:39:25,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.067 s  (1/15),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

Okay, they're much better in focus from here on out.
IMG00189.jpg(259835 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:39:53,  [756 x 1134],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.067 s  (1/15),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00193.jpg(237844 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:41:09,  [1134 x 756],  fl=N,  f=32.0mm,  exptime=0.050 s  (1/20),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00199.jpg(197104 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:52:03,  [756 x 1134],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.067 s  (1/15),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00204.jpg(1078784 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 19:58:03,  [1512 x 2268],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.125 s  (1/8),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

Alexander's turkey.
IMG00211.jpg(998451 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 20:00:10,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.100 s  (1/10),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00212.jpg(1120634 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 20:46:13,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.167 s  (1/6),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00214.jpg(939658 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 20:46:43,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.250 s  (1/4),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00217.jpg(1140878 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:27 20:50:11,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.125 s  (1/8),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

Too bad this group shot didn't come out so well.
IMG00218.jpg(1192610 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 11:53:55,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.008 s  (1/125),  f/6.7 Large -- Medium

The next day we drove to a town in Oregon.
IMG00219.jpg(1028898 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:17:38,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.002 s  (1/500),  f/9.5 Large -- Medium

The Blue Hills, locate South of Walla Walla.
IMG00222.jpg(1003568 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:18:02,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.011 s  (1/90),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

IMG00223.jpg(813157 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:18:09,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.006 s  (1/180),  f/6.7 Large -- Medium

IMG00224.jpg(1097954 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:18:21,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.011 s  (1/90),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

XAnder's girlfriend, Emily.
IMG00225.jpg(842511 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:18:25,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.011 s  (1/90),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

IMG00226.jpg(1062845 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:19:29,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=52.0mm,  exptime=0.002 s  (1/500),  f/9.5 Large -- Medium

IMG00229.jpg(1117327 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:32:29,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=32.0mm,  exptime=0.017 s  (1/60),  f/4.0 Large -- Medium

IMG00232.jpg(1077512 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:11:29 13:50:29,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.003 s  (1/350),  f/9.5 Large -- Medium

IMG00238.jpg(1348663 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:12:05 21:21:25,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.125 s  (1/8),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

These seem to be practice pictures of dogs and Gwen from here on out.
IMG00240.jpg(1028325 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:12:05 21:22:27,  [1512 x 2268],  fl=N,  f=39.0mm,  exptime=0.167 s  (1/6),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00242.jpg(1117563 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:12:05 21:23:25,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.167 s  (1/6),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00243.jpg(1098614 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:12:05 21:24:33,  [2268 x 1512],  fl=N,  f=48.0mm,  exptime=0.250 s  (1/4),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00246.jpg(1198292 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:12:05 21:26:33,  [1512 x 2268],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.100 s  (1/10),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium

IMG00247.jpg(1026083 bytes) -- SIGMA-SIGMA SD9,  2003:12:05 21:27:11,  [1512 x 2268],  fl=N,  f=24.0mm,  exptime=0.067 s  (1/15),  f/2.8 Large -- Medium