Mt. Kimball and Finger Rock trip, segment 3: peak

Well, the top was really cold and windy, so we (I can't believe we did this) forgot to take the camera out and snap some pictures for you. However, on the way back we noticed that something was very strange here. . .

What the heck is THAT! Ladybugs, several thick on the inside of a plant. But WHY? I mean, they can't be getting too much food down there. Oh well, maybe it was a colony of mites that theyre all eating.
Alexander seems disgusted by our find
But we found even more. Yes, that red stuff is solid ladybugs.
A little closer (if out of focus) to help convince you.
Why are they in the inner cracks? And why are they only doing this at the top of the mountain, why not further down?
Mmmmm, I didn't have enough lunch.
Xander's facial expressions are infinitely better than mine.

We determined that the ladybugs were clustering around one another for warmth, which makes some sense, and since its coldest at the top of the mountain the ladybugs further down hadn't needed clustering yet. Or perhaps they would individually head for a cluster, and all of the existing clusters were at the top.

Pics from the hike down