Large -- Medium Erosion near the vehicles. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium Ralph Lorenz, leading this expedition. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium We started finding a bunch of Meridiani-like concretions. | |
Large -- Medium The concretions were weathering out of this cliff. |
Large -- Medium Mini-poodle for scale. | |
Large -- Medium Looking down one of the erosional proto-canyons. | |
Large -- Medium Taun We with giant, softball-sized concretions! | |
Large -- Medium This particular area is being eroded by wind, not water. Hence the concretions are protecting a teardrop of sandstone in their lee. | |
Large -- Medium Awesome sandstone spire. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium Huge cliff-forming sandstone. | |
Large -- Medium Tired dogs drinking water in the shade of the car. |
Large -- Medium Exploring along the Ward Terrace, looking down. | |
Large -- Medium Taun We particularly liked cliff edges. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium Ralph hikes toward the active dune we found near the end of the day. | |
Large -- Medium Observing saltation -- we were lucky, it was fairly windy this day. | |
Large -- Medium Genubi walks over ripples. | |
Large -- Medium Should have used flash-fill to get Ralph here. *sigh*. | |
Large -- Medium An odd dune face. Not a slipface, like with Barchan or transverse dunes. | |
Large -- Medium Trying to get a good saltation movie. | |
Large -- Medium Lorenz of Arabia. | |
Large -- Medium Ripplefield. | |
Large -- Medium |