Jason and Gwen Barnes' Honeymoon to Australia
Day 9

July 17, 2004

We got up early because we were thinking of going to Tunnel Creek. Later we decided that was too much off roading to squeeze into a driving day.

When I went to check out, the receptionist looked up the room and said, "Ah, Mr. & Mrs. Barnes." Yep. That's the first person I'd heard say it as a matter for course.

We went to the post office to mail Terra's postcard. Then we stopped by the yummy bread place for breakfast.

We drove for four hours and then stopped to look at some red sandstone. We drove 3 more hours to Hall's Creek, and then looked for the old Hall's Creek Lodge. It was cheap ($50/night) and we got what we paid for: thin walls, barely maintained bathrooms (but they were clean), spiders, A/C, no heat.

The lady there cooked us dinner, and Jason seemed to like his. It was called Combination Noodles and was a pile of raman noodles with vegatables & shrimp.

Oh yeah, and on the way out of Broome we stopped at this guy's bananna farm. His kid was playing out front. We bought a bunch of banannas for $2.50.

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