Images from Day 4: July 30, 1997
(P8) Colby Meadow: Here's a beautiful shot of
Colby Meadow in the morning. Below the mountains on the left is Darwin
Canyon (we didn't go there), and on the right is the Hermit. That's
Monroe in the middle.
(J6) To Evolution Basin: Here's a view of Evolution
Valley with McClure Meadow (where we camped the night before) in the center
of the picture just to the right of the cloud shadow.
(J7) Below Evolution Valley: Pat, Xander, and Monroe
taken by Jason on the way back from taking the previous image (J6).
(X6) Evolution Lake: Monroe, Pat, and Jason in
front of Evolution Lake after the long climb from Goddard Canyon.
(X7) Mount Mendel: Here's the tall shot showing
how dang tall Mount Mendel is above Evolution Lake in the background.
The cliffs slope up to Mount Darwin on the right. There's actually
a tent next to Xander's left shoulder. It is so dwarfed by the cliffs,
however, that it only takes up a few pixels and is indistinguishable from
a rock.
(P9) Sapphire Lake: Xander, Pat, and Monroe in
front of Sapphire lake on the way through Evolution Basin to Wanda Lake.
(P10) Lake Before Wanda Lake: Xander, Pat, and
Jason in front of an unnamed lake on their way up to Wanda.
(J8) The Wanda Lake Storm: We had some exciting
weather while at Wanda lake for the night. In this image you can
see dark clouds moving in. They're coming over Muir Pass, and have
partially obscured the mountain behind the pass. At this point, we
thought that the storm was moving North (to the left in this picture).
We were right. Partially. The storm was ALSO moving slightly
to the west, right toward us.
As you might expect, this was exciting!
As the winds whipped up, Pat noticed that the larger tent had become unstaked
and was blowing away! As he turned to run for it he pointed and said,
"There's a rainbow."
(J9) The Wanda Lake Rainbow: In an elapsed time
of about 3 seconds, Xander jumped into this picture and I snapped it before
helping Pat chase the tent.
(X8) Wanda Lake Storm: We all huddled in the
tents during the storm, and held them down and held them in SHAPE so that
they didnt break on us. Then Jason thought he heard Monroe shout
his name, so he made Xander hold up the tent and ran out to see if the
other crew was ok. It was sooooo cool out there! The trailing
edge of the storm was super sharp, such that there was just a huge dark
gray mass and then blue sky beyond it. The other tent was ok, but
it looked so cool out there that Jason made Xander take this picture of
him, while it was still hailing, but it looks weird 'cause its dark and
hailing where we are, but there's blue sky over those mountains to the
South, behind Jason.
(J10) Wanda Lake: Here's Jason and Pat (left
to right) after climbing a huge hill and surveying the terrain on both
sides. Wanda lake is behind the camera, and beyond the hill that
Jason and Pat are on is Mt. Wallace. What? You don't see Jason
and Pat in this picture? Look closer!
(J11) Jason and Pat: This is a closeup of Jason
and pat from the previous image. Jason is on the left (you can tell
because he's wearing dark clothes while Pat has on a white sweatshirt).
We REALLY wished we had brought a camera when we climbed up there, but
we didn't. Too late!
(J12) Wanda Lake: Pat and Xander in front of
Wanda Lake at sunset.
On to day 5